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Health & well being
Implications of empathy, narcissism, and prosocial behaviors for psychological and physical health
Konrath, S., Grynberg, D., Corneille, O., Hammig, S., & Luminet, O. (2011) On the social cost of interdependence: Alexithymia is enhanced among socially interdependent people. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 135-141.
Lopez, W., Konrath, S., & Seng, J. (2011) Abuse-related Posttraumatic Stress, Coping, and Tobacco Use in Pregnancy. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 40, 422-431.
Bushman, B., Moeller, S., Konrath, S., & Crocker, J. (2012) Investigating the Link Between Liking Versus Wanting Self-Esteem and Depression in a Nationally Representative Sample of American Adults. Journal of Personality, 80, 1453-1469.
Konrath, S., Fuhrel-Forbis, A., Lou, A., & Brown, S. (2012) Motives for volunteering are associated with mortality risk in older adults. Health Psychology, 31, 87-96
Konrath, S. & Brown, S. (2012) The effects of giving on givers. Handbook of Health and Social Relationships, Nicole Roberts & Matt Newman (Eds.) APA Books, Washington, 39-64
Reinhard, D., Konrath, S., Cameron, H., & Lopez, W. (2012) Expensive egos: Narcissistic males have high cortisol. PLoS ONE.
Swain, J.E., Konrath, S., Brown, S., Finegood, E., Akce, L., Dayton, C., & Ho, S. (2012) Parenting and beyond: Common neurocircuits underlying parental and altruistic caregiving, Parenting, Science and Practice, 12, 115-123
Konrath, S. & Cheung, I. (2013) The fuzzy reality of perceived harms. Commentary in response to McCullough, Kurzban, & Tabak, Cognitive Systems for Revenge and Forgiveness, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36, 26-27
Konrath, S. (2013) The power of philanthropy and volunteering. In Wellbeing: A complete reference guide. Volume 6: Interventions to create positive organizations and communities, Felicia Huppert and Cary Cooper (Eds.). Wiley Press
McDougle, L., Handy, F., Konrath, S., & Walk, M. (2014) Health outcomes and volunteering. The moderating role of religiosity. Social Indicators Research, 117, 337-351
Novin, S., Tso, I., & Konrath, S. (2013) Self-related and other-related pathways to subjective well-being in Japan and the United States. Journal of Happiness Studies.doi 10.1007/s10902-013-9460-9.
Swain, J.E., Konrath, S., Dayton, C., Finegood, E., & Ho, S. (2014) Toward a neuroscience of interactive parent-infant dyad empathy. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36, 438-439
Cascio, C., Konrath, S., & Falk, E. (2015) Narcissists’ social pain seen only in the brain. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 10, 335-341
Ho, S., Konrath, S., Brown, S., & Swain, J. (2014) Empathy and stress related neural responses in maternal decision making, Frontiers in Neuroscience, Volume 8, Article 152, doi: 10.3389/fnins.2014.00152.
Kim, E. & Konrath, S. (2016) Volunteering is prospectively associated with healthcare use among older adults. Social Science & Medicine, 149, 122-129
Konrath, S. (2016) The joy of giving. In Burlingame, D., Seiler, T., & Tempel, G. (Eds) Achieving Excellence in Fundraising, 4th edition.
McDougle, L, Walk, M., Konrath, S., & Handy, F. (2016) Religious and secular coping strategies and mortality risk among older adults. Social Indicators Research, 125, 677-694
Kang, Y., Cooper, N., Pandey, P., Scholz, C., O'Donnell, M. B., Lieberman, M. D., Taylor, S. E., Strecher, V. J., Dal Cin, S., Konrath, S., Polk, T., Resnicow, K., An, L., & Falk, E. B. (2018) Effects of Self-Transcendence and Affirmation Priming on Neural Responses to Health Messages and Behavior Change, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
Novin, S., Konrath, S., & Niiya, Y. (2017) The Adaptiveness of Self-Construals for Mental Health in the United States and Japan. Self & Identity.
Qu, H., Konrath, S., & Poulin, M. (2020). Which types of giving are associated with reduced mortality risk among older adults?. Personality and Individual Differences, 154, 109668.
Konrath, S., & Handy, F. (2021). The good-looking giver effect: The relationship between doing good and looking good. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 50(2), 283-311.
Konrath, S. (2022) The Joy of Giving. In Shaker, G., Tempel, E., Nathan, S., & Stanczykiewicz (Eds), Achieving Excellence in Fundraising, 5th edition. Wiley, New York.
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